Within Our Grasp Book

I’m what you would consider a regular, rank-and-file member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I was born in Louisville, Kentucky in 1955. In 1962, my parents moved to Santa Ana, California.
It was there my parents met the missionaries when my aunt, whom we were staying with, invited them over for dinner.
A short time later my parents were baptized.
I was baptized a few months after my eighth birthday.
About a year later, my sister and I were privileged to be sealed to my parents.
Shortly before I turned twenty-years-old, I had a remarkable personal experience that led me to read The Book of Mormon. That turned my thoughts toward a mission. I was called to serve in the Ohio Columbus Mission. After about eighteen months, my mission was split and the new Ohio Cleveland Mission was formed. I had the opportunity of being a part of setting that new mission up under the care and direction of President Donald S. and Sister LaVon Brewer. That was my second time working with those two extraordinary individuals who became like second parents to me. They impacted my life in such positive ways that I’ll be forever grateful to them and their exemplary life, not only in their teaching, but more importantly in their living of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I married about a year after my mission, had six wonderful children: five sons and a daughter, and then moved to Utah.

An Amazing Journey
“through it all I have been able to hold onto the Gospel of Jesus Christ...”
My life has been an amazing journey, with many tests and trials along the way. I’ve been blessed with many experiences and opportunities I never imagined possible. I’ve traveled to many countries, and had many wonderful missionary and Priesthood experiences along the way. The one thing that stands apart for me, however, is that through it all I have been able to hold onto the Gospel of Jesus Christ with my whole heart and soul. It has been an anchor to my soul and a refuge from the storms of life.

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